# Sample hooks file content # # Comments start with pound # # Empty lines are fine # # Non-empty lines have a minimum of 3 components: Controller, Action, and Script + optional parameters # # NOTE 1: This file must be readable by the 'iworx' user # and your custom scripts must be executable by the iworx user. # They will run as the 'iworx' user, not as root. # # NOTE 2: Form variables for the hooked events will be available to your script # as environment variables, prefixed with 'iw_' # run my script after a siteworx account gets added #Ctrl_Nodeworx_Siteworx add /myscripts/siteworx-account.sh # run with the --delete parameter after a siteworx account gets deleted #Ctrl_Nodeworx_Siteworx delete /myscripts/siteworx-account.sh --delete # run my pointer-added.sh script #Ctrl_Siteworx_DomainsPointer add /usr/local/bin/pointer-added.sh